Thank you! So many of you either came to CLOWNS LIKE ME last week or sent me a “go get ‘em, tiger!” message.
And Scottie was transcendent. The work is paying off. We fly to New York in two weeks to put the play up Off-Broadway. I’ll of course keep you posted on our Big Apple adventures, but for now check out this interview Scottie did with Call Me Adam…
You may have noticed I’m not promoting my own podcast episode today.
Well that’s because between getting CLOWNS up, and taking a hard-core, fully unplugged recovery holiday, I simply didn’t have the bandwidth to do an acceptable editing job. My apologies, but the PAGE&STAGE PODCAST will be back next week, featuring an interview with David Sitler, who—fun fact—has played Spider-Man for, oh, a couple decades now. Oh yeah. You won’t wanna miss it.
But this also just means you have a week to get caught up on the other episodes, especially the last three which all focused on normalizing mental health in honor of May being National Mental Health Awareness Month. Check ‘em out HERE.
Now, speaking of those 9000 performances…
Meet Dan Landon.
He was a Broadway Theatre Manager for almost 40 years, and he’s written a memoir about that epic career!
And Ibis Books is publishing it.
FROM THE BACK OF THE HOUSE: Memoir of a Broadway Theatre Manager drops on June 13, in both ebook and paperback. You can learn more HERE.
And check out this most name-droppiest of back cover blurbs!
My name is Dan Landon, and I was a Broadway theatre manager for 37 years. I worked on fifty shows. Over 9000 performances.
This is my love letter to Broadway, and all the stars and luminaries my job allowed me to meet and know…
Whoopi Goldberg. Bob Fosse. Ian McKellan. Bernadette Peters. Robert De Niro. August Wilson. Alec Baldwin. Kathleen Turner. Jessica Lange. Maggie Smith. Judi Dench. Mikail Baryshnikov. Madeline Kahn. Paul McCartney. Stephen Sondheim. Tom Stoppard. David Mamet. Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. Hillary Clinton. Al Pacino. Richard Dreyfuss. Patti LuPone. Philip Seymour Hoffman. Daniel Craig. Lin-Manuel Miranda. Denzel Washington.
In these pages you’ll meet them, too, as they wait in the wings, glow in the spotlight, and take their bows.
Dan Landon
And what’s doubly cool is that Dan is also a playwright, and June 13 happens to mark the world premiere of his newest play, HAPPY DALE. You can check out that show at THE PLAYERS.
Quite the coincidence, huh? 😁
And now, back to my regularly scheduled podcast editing. Have a great weekend!
Jason “Name Dropper” Cannon